Celebrating 30 Years of FOCL

30 Years of FOCL: An overview from the President

The year 2022 marks a very special year for Friends of Claytor Lake (FOCL) as we celebrate our 30th anniversary.  Thirty years ago, several volunteers gathered to fill a need.  A need expressed by lake residents and volunteers alike from around Claytor Lake - how to clean the lake. The volunteers gathered around a picnic table to discuss and brainstorm some thoughts.  In doing so, they passed a hat to collect money and in turn, formed the Friends of Claytor Lake (FOCL).  Two of the original founders, Dean Jackson and Bill Cunningham are still on the board today after serving 30 years.  The volunteers volunteered their time and personal equipment to take on the task at hand.  Over that period FOCL continued to grow and grow. They formed a board with individuals taking on certain tasks.  The donations started to come in and they bought some larger equipment.  As they say, the rest is history. 

Today, we have grown over the years from a small group of volunteers to 14 board members, an executive director and a cleanup crew consisting of six very hard working men.  I would personally like to thank our past and present FOCL board members for all of the dedication and hard work; without you, none of this would be possible. 

Steve Rapp

FOCL President

Radford, VA

30 Year Celebration coverage in the Southwest Times



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