FOCL Events

Pulaski County Kids Fish Day
Pulaski County Kids Fish Day is BACK. Join us at Camp Powhatan on Saturday, May 10th for a fun day of fishing with the kids!
Lunch will be provided by River of Life Church and children 15 & under are eligible to fish for stocked trout and have a chance to win free prizes.
If you'd like to donate to this event, please reach out to Anthony Akers (aakers@pulaskicounty.org) Pulaski County Parks & Recreation or Steve Rapp (info@focl.org) Friends of Claytor Lake. Your support is much appreciated to help make this event successful each year!

Veterans Fishing Day
Join us for a special day of fishing and appreciation dedicated to our veterans! Enjoy a relaxing day on the water, great company, and a chance to connect with fellow veterans and community members. More details coming soon!

FOCL Poker Run
Join us for FOCL’s annual Poker Run!
Fundraiser helps support the mission of FOCL. #keepclaytorclean. Registration begins at 11 AM, launch at 12 PM, at the Rock House Marina.
Event is open to all types of boats and personal watercraft. Visit 5 stops on Claytor! Map and stops provided day of event.
End at Rock House at 3:30 pm for prizes, music, and food!
$30/boat gets 2 hands: $10/extra hand. (Children’s hands are $5 each, payable day of event)
Save $5 when you pre-register by emailing info@focl.org

July All Lake Clean Up
Join us for a month long clean up effort! Gather in your neighborhoods or parks to help clean up shorelines. Take photos of your bags of trash from in/around the lake to be shared on our social media and included in Pulaski County’s ‘One Bag Challenge’ effort, where you’ll be entered to win a gift card prize each week!
Photos can be texted to 540-395-3625 or emailed to info@focl.org

February Board Meeting w/ ACOE Guest, Chet Bigelow
Chet will have a presentation on the topics of dredging and lake project permitting. If these are of interest, please join us and RSVP below!
FOCL board meetings are open to the public.

2023 Poker Run
Fundraiser helps support the mission of FOCL! #keepclaytorclean. Registration begins at 12pm at Rock House Marina. Event is open to all types of boats and personal watercraft. Visit 5 stops on Claytor! Map and stops provided day of event. End at Rock House at 3:30 pm for prizes, music, and food!
$30/boat gets 2 hands: $10/extra hand. (Children’s hands are $5 each, payable day of event)
Save $5 when you pre-register online!
Mark yourself as ‘GOING’ on our Facebook page!

All Lake Clean Up
All Lake Clean Up- July is FOCL’s all lake clean up month where we encourage boaters, residents and visitors to clean up all trash in/around the lake. Photos of any clean up efforts can be sent to FOCL via email or text to 540-395-3625.

2023 FOCL Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting Agenda
June 17, 2023- 9- 11:30am
Claytor Lake State Park, Shelter 5
9:00 am Sign-in/gather for breakfast food & drinks
9:15 am Welcome & Introductions - Steve Rapp
9:20 am Claytor Lake State Park's 75th Anniversary - Brody Havens
9:35 am 2022 Meeting Minutes - Laura Bullard
9:45 am Election of Directors - Cheri Strenz
10:00 am Reports:
Executive Director Report - Ciara Harris
Clean Up Operations - Dave Dobyns
Environmental Resources - Laura Walters
2023 Drawdown & Mussel Salvage - Laura Bullard
Community Outreach - Caroline Gaskins/John Johnson
Donations - Ciara Harris
President's Report & Awards - Steve Rapp
11:10 am Wrap-Up - Steve Rapp
Questions/comments/FOCL merchandise for sale

Pulaski County Kids Fishing Day 2023
Join us for a fun day of FREE fishing with over 1,000 stocked trout for kids under 15. No registration required.
Raffles, giveaways, lunch provided by River of Life Church, inflatable jumping toys, biggest fish prize, t-shirts for youth participants and so much more!

February 2023 Board Meeting
FOCL board meetings are open to the public. RSVP to info@focl.org if you are interested in attending.

Past Events
Check out what we’ve been up to and explore photo albums from our events!