FOCL Leadership
FOCL is run by a board of dedicated volunteers and an Executive Director
FOCL is run by a board of dedicated volunteers and an Executive Director.
The FOCL board meets the second Thursday of each month at 6pm at the Innovation Center in Fairlawn.
All meetings are open to the public and if interested in joining, please email info@focl.org to RSVP.
Steve Rapp, Executive Director (Radford, VA)

Jeff Arnold (Dublin, VA)

Jackson Beamer, President (Salem/Radford, VA)

Laura Bullard, Secretary (Dublin, VA)

Bill Cunningham, Treasurer, Financial Committee Chair (Dublin, VA)

Dave Dobyns, Clean Up Supervisor (Dublin, VA)

Caroline Gaskins (Radford, VA)

Dean Jackson (Pulaski, VA)

In Memory of longtime board member John Johnson (Radford, VA) 2023

Dave Stevenson (Greensboro, NC/Dublin, VA)

Cheri Strenz, Vice President & Community Resources Committee Chair (Dublin, VA)

Michael Valach (Pulaski, VA)

Laura Walters, Environmental Committee Chair, Dublin, VA

Russell Alls (Blacksburg, VA)
May 9, 2019 - FRIENDS OF CLAYTOR LAKE Board Meeting Minutes
Present: Cheri Strenz, Jeff Caldwell, Bill Cunningham, Laura Bullard, Jackson Beamer, Dave Dobyns, Darryl Sarver, John Johnson, Joe Guthrie, Caroline Gaskins, Leigh Ann and Todd Brewster, Jeff Arnold, Dave Stevenson, Steve Rapp, Cecil Doyle, Laura Walters, Dave Guerin, Michael Valach
Minutes of the April 10, 2019 Board meeting were approved as written.
President Cheri Strenz: All Lake Clean Up Day is scheduled for Saturday, June 29, 9 to 1, but clean up can be done before and after the day. The Annual Meeting will follow at 2 p.m. at Appalachian’s picnic grounds. 8th Grade Day is Wednesday, May 22. Laura W. and Steve will provide boats; one more boat is needed. Veteran’s Fishing Day is Sunday, June 2. FOCL will again provide boat rides; desserts are also needed. Laura W., Laura B., Steve, Caroline and Cheri volunteered to provide desserts. Claytor Lake Festival is Saturday, June 8. June 13th’s FOCL Board meeting will be at Isaac Walton League; we will be rolling bags again for Clean Up Day. FOCL Night at Calfee Park will be Wednesday, July 10. FOCL has reserved one of the VIP towers and will have 30 tickets set aside for Board members and friends. AEP will be having a contractor inspect and catalog all structures within the project boundary (below 1,850 elevation).
Organizational Development: Laura Bullard asked Board members to arrive for the Annual Meeting June 29 at 1:00 to help set up; picnic lunch will start at 2, followed by the meeting. Board members will be asked to stay afterward for a short but important Board meeting. A drawdown is proposed for November; FOCL has requested a 5′ rather than 3′ drawdown. Pulaski Co, DGIF and CL State Park have also responded in favor of 5′, but AEP might keep it at 3′. The full drawdown is scheduled for Nov 9 through Nov 17. Mussel salvage will be Nov 9 and volunteers will be needed.
Clean Up Report: Dave Dobyns reported clean up has not started yet because they are waiting on parts to repair the Miss Pulaski push boat. Because of its age (1984), parts are hard to find.
Finance Report: Bill Cunningham reviewed the Finance Report which was then approved as presented.
Environmental Committee: Laura Walters reported that VT students will be planting water celery at the end of May. The students will also be doing water celery studies. VA Bass, VT and FOCL are working on a large grant to support growing water celery at VT, which will also provide plants for the Chesapeake Bay. Joan Blankenship with VA Bass is also working on a grant for Mossbach fish habitat structures. Jeff A. with help from the cleanup crew has replaced buoys in the low water areas along the Bullard Farm. Laura W. through the New River Conservancy (NRC) is involved with the relicensing of Buck and Billesby Dams upriver of Claytor Lake. DGIF and NRC are asking AEP to conduct a sedimentation study as part of the relicensure.
Donation Committee: Darryl Sarver reported it’d been a good month for donations which are now 13% behind 2018 donations. Jeff C. has sent out many reminder letters to donors.
Executive Director Report: None
Other Business: Leigh Ann and Todd Brewster asked if anything had been done about QR cards. Board members were in favor of their offer to print cards and distribute to Covey’s Campgrounds. Joe Guthrie suggested adding FOCL info on a “Keep Our State Park Clean” card for the CL State Park to hand out. Joe also expressed concern over the 3′ versus 5′ drawdown and said he would follow up with County Administrator Jonathan Sweet. He said he’d also check on funding for a replacement push boat. Repair of the Army surplus boat recently acquired also needs to be expedited.
The meeting was adjourned.
April 10, 2019
Board Meeting Minutes
Present: Cheri Strenz, Bill Cunningham, Jeff Caldwell, Jeff Arnold, Dave Dobyns, Steve Rapp, Darryl Sarver, John Johnson, Dave Stevenson, Laura Bullard, Todd and LeighAnn Brewster, Jackson Beamer, Caroline Gaskins, Bob Strenz, Doug and Melissa Swanson
Minutes of the March 14, 2019 Board meeting approved as written.
President Cheri Strenz: All Lake Clean Up Day will be Sat, June 29 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Steve Rapp and Jackson Beamer volunteered to monitor dumpster at DeHaven; Laura Bullard and Cheri Strenz will be at the Claytor Lake State Park dumpster. Conrads might also have a dumpster. Cheri encouraged people to continue cleaning up the following 4th of July week, and to let FOCL know via email how many trash bags they collect. Orange lake trash bags can be put out with regular household trash. Pulaski YMCA is having their Duck Race April 27 at 2 p.m. on Peak Creek. Ducks can be purchased online. Beverage distributor Virginia Eagle has selected FOCL as the nonprofit they will support this year; FOCL will receive a donation for every home run the Pulaski Yankees hit.
Organizational Development: Laura Bullard reported the Annual Membership Meeting will follow Clean Up Day activities at 2 p.m. on Sat, June 29, at AEP’s picnic grounds beside the dam. She encouraged all to attend. Picnic lunch will be served. The Committee is also working on Bylaw changes, a newsletter and brochure, and fundraising ideas.
Clean Up: Dave Dobyns reported the excavator has been repaired and is at Big Hole Hollow. It will take two weeks to clean up the burn area to get it ready for debris from this season. Repairs are also being made to the boat, trackloader, and Army surplus boat that will be used as a push boat. So far there is a crew of two and he expects clean up to start in about two weeks.
Finance Report presented by Bill Cunningham was accepted as presented.
Donation Committee: Darryl Sarver reported that donations are down 43% compared to this time last year. It is the worst year since 2012. Jeff Caldwell just sent out 400 letters to donors from the first quarters of 2017 and 2018. Todd Brewster passed out sample FOCL business cards with a QR code that can immediately link smartphones to FOCL’s website. The QR code can also be put on brochures, banners, etc. Jeff Caldwell said the maps will be reprinted and available for sale soon.
Executive Director: No report.
Motion was made and approved to go into closed session to discuss a Board-related matter.
Open meeting was reopened and then adjourned.
Board Meeting Minutes March 14, 2019
Present: Jackson Beamer, Jeff Caldwell, Laura Walters, Laura Bullard, Dave Dobyns, Dean Jackson, Steve Rapp, Darryl Sarver, Dave Stevenson, John Johnson, Mike McLeod, Michael Valach, Jeff Arnold, Bob Strenz, Todd Brewster, Dale Henderson, Mike Gibson, Tom Kulis, Dave Rhodes, Ruth Ratliff, William Paine, Joe Guthrie, Cantley Kraffe, Jack Galyer, Kammie Galyean, Gary Eifried, Rob Airaghi, Lisa Hammock
Minutes of the January 10, 2019 meeting were approved as written.
Vice President Jackson Beamer presiding with assistance from Jeff Caldwell and Laura Walters: April FOCL Public Meeting – moved to Wednesday, April 10, 6 p.m. at Dublin Town Center offices. New River Symposium – at Appalachian State, Boone NC Thursday and Friday, April 11 and 12; sponsored by New River Conservancy, VT and Appalachian State; FOCL Board members encouraged to attend; FOCL will pay for the first 5 who sign up. Pulaski County YMCA Derby Duck Race – Saturday, April 27, 2 p.m. at bridge at Post Office in Town of Pulaski; ducks can be gotten at the YMCA.
Organizational Development: Laura Bullard announced that FOCL’s Annual Membership Meeting will be Saturday, June 29, 2 p.m. at AEP’s picnic pavilion next to the dam. All Lake Clean Up Day will be held the same day from 9 to 1 p.m. Dumpsters will be available at Claytor Lake State Park and DeHaven Park for trash. Board members are needed to monitor the dumpsters. Prizes will be awarded at the Annual Meeting for most trash and strangest trash collected. Laura encouraged participation in both events.
Finance Report provided by Jeff Caldwell was approved as presented.
Clean Up Report: Laura Walters reported they hope to start clean up operations by April 15. They are working on getting a second roll-off truck from County surplus to have in addition to the current roll-off truck that often breaks down. The push boat is getting major work done; the excavator is also being worked on.
Environmental Resources: Laura Walters shared they are working with VT, DGIF and Virginia Bass on growing water celery. AEP will be contributing $5,000 for planting, which will be in early June. Laura is looking for volunteers to help with planting.
Donations: Darryl Sarver reported that donations year-to-date are better than in 2018, but not as good as 2017. Discussion was held on how to increase donations. Suggestions included sponsoring a ton of debris, selling Claytor Lake maps again, putting signs and brochures at boat ramps, putting a banner under Conrad’s billboard, and contacting boaters using a mailing list from boat registrations. Ruth Ratliff offered to check on the list.
Nominating Committee: At Laura Walter’s request, Dave Dobyns and Laura Bullard offered to help.
Executive Director Report: Jeff Caldwell yielded to Rob Airaghi from Waterfront Farms. Rob discussed the need for dredging along Waterfront Farms, and described the permitting and dredging process. He requested that FOCL consider providing dredging at Claytor Lake. He cautioned that once plants establish themselves in silted areas and break the water surface, those areas are considered wetlands and cannot be dredged. Further discussion considered the possibility of moving sediment within the lake to redirect future deposition, and the impact of high water events on dredged areas. A request was made that FOCL create a subcommittee to address the problem of siltation.
Other Business: The Coast Guard Auxiliary has received a grant to place a lifejacket loaner station at DeHaven. The VT Bass Fishing Team is looking for donations, sponsorships and partnerships to help them pay expenses so they can compete nationwide. They have 60 active members. Laura Walters suggested they might work out an arrangement where they help with habitat planting. Steve Rapp encouraged all those present to continue their participation in and support of FOCL.
The Board went into closed session. Following the closed session, the meeting was adjourned.
No Board Meeting This Month
Meeting Minutes January 10, 2019
Present: Cheri Strenz, Bill Cunningham, Jeff Caldwell, Laura Walters, Laura Bullard, Jeff Arnold, John Johnson, Jackson Beamers, Steve Rapp, Darryl Sarver, Dave Dobyns, Mike McLeod, Dave Stevenson, Joe Guthrie, David Peake; Bob Strenz
Minutes of the November 8, 2018 meeting were approved as written.
Organizational Development: Laura Bullard shared that the committee has decided to have All Lake Clean Up Day and FOCL’s Annual Meeting on the same day (Saturday, June 29), pending arrangement of details with Claytor Lake State Park (CLSP). Clean up will be 9 to 1:00 with dumpsters at CLSP and DeHaven, and the Annual Meeting with a picnic at 2:00 at CLSP. Clean up participants will be encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting; trash-related awards will be given. Board members will be asked to monitor dumpsters and verify trash collected.
Finance Report: Bill Cunningham discussed the Finance Report to date which was accepted as presented.
Clean Up Report: Dave Dobyns reported the debris pile consisting of 290 roll off loads is ready to be burned starting tomorrow; thanks to the County for bushhogging around the pile. The surplus military boat the County got for FOCL last year is being worked on for clean up. Jeff Caldwell shared there is a wall of debris at the dam because the spillway that should take the debris hasn’t been operational; the flood gates are getting jammed by debris.
Environmental Resources: Laura Walters shared that FOCL is “knee-deep” in water celery (aka eel grass) being grown at VT. A proposal has been made to double the size of the grow tanks, and provide an instructor and internship. Grant money is being applied for through U.S. Fish and Wildlife; Laura will also ask AEP for money toward the project. FOCL’s habitat plan this year is to put money into growing and planting the grass; more cage material and volunteers to do planting will be needed. The Environmental Committee is looking at the week of Jan 30th for a meeting to discuss water quality. The New River Conservancy (NRC) is sponsoring the New River Symposium April 11-12 at Appalachian State. Laura encouraged as many as possible from FOCL to attend. It will be free, and hotels and $10/night bunkhouse lodging will be available. NRC is also working with the Friends of Peak Creek on water testing due to leaching from old brown fields around the Town of Pulaski.
Donation Committee: Darryl Sarver reported that donations were down 28% for 2018. Joe Guthrie, Cheri and Jeff C. met today with Charlie Phlegar with VT development to learn how to improve FOCL’s fundraising. Recommendations included developing a clear vision statement, making one-on-one contact with neighbors, and sharing how donation money is used.
Executive Director Report: Jeff Caldwell reported that FOCL has gotten approval for the donation of a small flat bottom barge from AEP; it will be good for cleanup and habitat work.
Other Business: New Board members are needed, and Cheri Strenz advised the Board that it needs to select a new President. Since Spring Splash will not be held this year, it was suggested that other, smaller fundraising events be considered (e.g. Poker Run, fishing tournament). Christmas for the Fishes will be Jan. 17 starting at 9:30 at CLSP and volunteers are needed.
Meeting adjourned.
2018 Minutes
No December Public Meeting
Present: Cheri Strenz, Bill Cunningham, Jeff Caldwell, Laura Walters, Jeff Arnold, Laura Bullard, Dean Jackson, Steve Rapp, John Johnson, Darryl Sarver, Jackson Beamer, Dave Stevenson, Joe Guthrie, Dave Dobyns, Russell Alls, Bob Strenz
Minutes of the October 11, 2018 meeting were approved as written.
President Cheri Strenz: FOCL’s Christmas Dinner will be December 13 starting at 6 p.m. at Preston’s at the River Course in Fairlawn. We will try to do Toys for Tots again this year.
Organizational Development: Laura Bullard reported that the committee has decided to wait until 2020 to do the next Spring Splash, and to instead do a picnic in conjunction with the Annual Meeting in 2019 with perhaps a small auction and door prizes. Laura also asked Board members to be thinking of younger, more energetic people who might serve on the Board; she suggested beginning by inviting them to meetings. John Johnson asked that notifications of meetings be emailed out on the Mondays prior to meetings.
Clean Up: Dave Dobyns reported that they pulled the boat today for the season. They lost the equivalent of 4 work weeks due to breakdowns; repairs will be done over the winter. The burn pile needs to be pushed up in order to be burned; 9 loads of stone were put in the road going to the burn pile to make it passable. Final tally from 2018 clean up: 290.5 roll-off loads (4,357 tons), 59 tires, 229 trash bags, 10 barrels, 14 docks, 1 camper, 2 boats, 1 propane tank, 1 gas grill tank, 1 walkway, and 1 playhouse. They hope to start clean up again the first part of April.
Environmental: Laura Walters shared that the water celery is doing better at VT so we will have some to plant next year; they will also get seeds from the Chesapeake. Bass Federation has given money for artificial structures. Christmas trees will be put in the lake again this winter for habitat. AEP has provided an additional $100,000 for clean up due to the floods. FOCL is thinking of running another crew next year with another CDL driver and getting another roll-off truck; the County also has a boat FOCL might repair and use. The barges that have been built for clean up have been delivered.
Donations: Darryl Sarver reported that donations are down 28% from 2017 and there were no donations over the past month. Jeff Caldwell has been sending reminder letters and fliers. Laura Walters said that donations came through FOCL’s Facebook page after she posted photos of the new debris. Bob Strenz suggested listing FOCL as your charity on your Facebook page on your birthday. Joe Guthrie asked about having a professional fundraiser give FOCL suggestions.
Finance: Bill Cunningham’s Finance Report for November 8, 2018 was approved as presented.
Events Committee and Executive Director: No reports.
Other Business: Joe Guthrie asked for information on Barton Rd at the lake. A list of improvements for DeHaven Park is continuing to be worked on.
The meeting was adjourned.
Present: Cheri Strenz, Laura Walters, Jeff Arnold, Laura Bullard, Dave Dobyns, Steve Rapp, Jackson Beamer, Dave and Joan Stevenson, Mike McLeod, Michael Valach, Joe Guthrie
Minutes of the September 13, 2018 meeting were approved as written.
President Cheri Strenz: She is exploring options for the Christmas Dinner. The Organizational Development Committee will meet to make a decision. Kollmorgan volunteers will be picking up trash in Claytor Lake October 12. Cheri will provide FOCL trash bags, and Michael Valach is providing kayaks for the day. Cheri reviewed Blue Ridge PBS’ plans to produce “The Story of The New River.” They are asking for funding in exchange for promotional material. Cheri asked the Board to consider some level of funding for the project. Cheri recently met with Val and Jackson Beamer and Sharon McCloskey to discuss improvements to DeHaven Park.
Organizational Development: Laura Bullard reported the committee will be meeting soon.
Clean Up: Dave Dobyns reported totals to date of 247.5 roll-offs of woody debris (3,712 tons), 44 tires with rims, 226 trash bags, 9 barrels, 11 docks, 1 boat, 1 camper, 1 walkway and 2 propane tanks. The crew is currently in the main lake just below Lowman’s Ferry Bridge. Some repairs have been made during the season, but others will be needed once the equipment is pulled, which is expected October 30. The last debris survey with AEP will be October 17. AEP has given FOCL a small boat and barge. Discussion was held about options for logs that the clean up crew collects; Laura Walters will talk with Liz about them.
Environmental: Laura Walters reported that, if available, seeds will be harvested soon from water celery in the lake.
Donations: Cheri reported there were 15 donations from September 12 to October 11, but 2018 donations are still below those year-to-date for 2017.
Events: Cheri reiterated that Organizational Development will meet soon to also discuss a 2019 Spring Splash.
Financial Report: Approved as written.
Executive Report: None.
Other Business: According to Michael Valach, the fishing tournament October 8 for state employees went well with many in attendance including high level members of state government.
The meeting was adjourned.
Present: Cheri Strenz, Jeff Caldwell, Mike McLeod, John Johnson, Jackson Beamer, Bill Cunningham, Steve Rapp, Dean Jackson, Joe Guthrie, Rose Martin PBS
Minutes from the June 14, 2018 meeting were approved.
President Cheri Strenz: Introduction of Rose Martin from Blue Ridge PBS about New River Documentary including Claytor Lake and FOCL. Blue Ridge PBS has partnered with The New River Conservancy and is seeking funding for the project. The project costs $100,000. Project finish date estimated in June of 2019. Joe Guthrie recommended the Pulaski Theater for initial viewing. Joe asked about program’s focus on Virginia portion of the New River.
Cheri talked about potential restoration and upgrades to DeHaven Park. Possible formation of a committee to address changes to the park for the future and other lake access areas.
Organizational Development:
Finance Report: Bill Cunningham presented the finance report from June 13 to Sept 13 2018
Clean Up:
Donations: Jeff Caldwell reported that FOCL has made some gains in donations mainly due to flyer circulated to all lake owners but FOCL is still behind year to date compared to 2017.
Executive Director Report:
Other Business:
The meeting was adjourned.
No Public Meeting for the month of August
Present: Cheri Strenz, Jeff Caldwell, Dave Dobyns, Dave Stevenson, David Peake, Mike McLeod, John Johnson, Doug & Melissa Swanson, Laura Bullard, John Copeland, Russell & Carolyn Alls, Todd Alls, Brian Broce, Venitia Funk, Lisa Hammock, Jackson Beamer, Michael Valach, Sandy & Janice Wilcox
Minutes from the April 12, 2018 meeting were approved.
President Cheri Strenz: All Lake Clean Up is Saturday June 30. Volunteers are asked to pick up trash around the lake; orange bags will be available to put trash in dumpsters at CLSP and DeHaven Park. FOCL wants to get a bag count at end of the day, and volunteers are needed to man the dumpsters 9 a.m. to 1 or 2 p.m. Jackson Beamer and Steve Rapp offered to volunteer at DeHaven; Cheri and other volunteers will do CLSP. Bags can also be put with household trash after the 30th; FOCL asks to be notified of the number of bags. Getting trash out of the lake early in summer will mean less trash for the clean up crew to pick up, giving them more time to clean up woody debris. Volunteers are also needed for a Bike Virginia event June 27. Six hundred to 1,000 bikers are expected and FOCL has agreed to man their stop at DeHaven Park for 10 hours that day. At least 2-3 people are needed at a time. Water celery was planted this week, so no volunteers are needed for that.
Organizational Development: Laura Bullard announced that FOCL’s Annual Meeting will be held at the next regular FOCL meeting time of Thursday, July 12, at 6 p.m., at Claytor Lake State Park Shelter #5. Everyone is invited and encouraged to come. Committee Chairs will be asked to report on the year. Director elections will be held. Up for re-election are Laura Bullard, Dave Stevenson, Chris Meade, Laura Walters and Cecil Doyle.
Clean Up: Dave Dobyns reported that they started April 25 in Peak Creek. They have been in the Little Wytheville area above the bridge since early May. A benefit of being above the bridge is that they can pick up debris before it floats downstream. The clean up equipment is old, however, and is broken down right now. So far, collected to date: 59 roll offs; 32 bags of trash; 3 barrels, 5 docks. Woody debris is not that bad this year. Cheri mentioned, however, that the lake has been muddier than she’s ever seen it, probably due to rains.
Donations: Jeff Caldwell for Darryl Sarver reported that barely 6% of lake homeowners have donated to FOCL this year, which is behind donations year-to-date for 2017. He would still like to find out why donations are down. During discussion it was suggested that it might be weather related; people are slow getting onto the lake this year. Discussion was also held about ways to get information out about FOCL.
Executive Director Report: None, other than talk to neighbors about donations.
Other Business: Russell Alls reported that Izaak Walton has gotten a permit to dredge 25 cubic yards each year. He is encouraged that things are headed in the right direction and he thanked FOCL for helping them get the process started. He said the Claytor Lake Chapter of the Izaak Walton League will be donating $1,500 to FOCL. Cheri thanked the Chapter for hosting FOCL’s June meeting.
The meeting was adjourned.
2018 Annual Meeting
Present: Cheri Strenz, Laura Walters, Laura Bullard, Bill Cunningham, Jeff Caldwell, Jeff Arnold, Chris Meade, Dave Dobyns, Dave Stevenson, Jackson Beamer, Dean Jackson, Steve Rapp, John Johnson, Darryl Sarver, Mike McLeod, Anne Bullard, John Schutte, Maggie Manning, Tommy Manning, MerriBeth Gibson, Jim Gibson, LT Simmons, Katy O’Gee, Martha Harvey, Ben Lineberry, Pete Schulze, Bob Jackson, Sandra Jackson
Welcome & Introduction of Board Members by President Cheri Strenz
Minutes of Annual Membership Meeting August 13, 2016 approved by voice vote as written.
Election of Board Members: Presentation by Laura Walters of Board members up for Election. Elected by voice vote: Dean Jackson, Jeff Arnold, Dave Dobyns, Bill Cunningham, Darryl Sarver, and Mike McLeod.
Financial Resources: Bill Cunningham expressed thanks for donations and described FOCL as being in good financial shape, due also in part to partnerships with AEP and Pulaski County. He discussed FOCL’s Legacy Fund as an avenue to sustain FOCL through estate planning.
Donations: Darryl Sarver reported that donations are up year-to-date over the last two years, but only 8% of lake property owners have contributed. FOCL would like at least 10% to contribute, and Darryl asked that members encourage friends and neighbors to donate. It was pointed out that FOCL participates in many projects at the lake, not just clean-up. A question was raised regarding County real estate taxes and the County’s participation in helping maintain lake property. A suggestion was made that matching grants be made available for land owners, as is done by other localities.
Organizational Development: Laura Bullard presented By-Law changes passed by the Board this year: Board term limits, addition of optional President Elect position, and allowance of non-Board members as committee chairs. The Committee continues to look for new Board members and ways to increase stakeholder participation. Discussion ensued of ways to include out-of-town members in Board meetings and FOCL activities/discussions (e.g. live video feeds).
Environmental Resources: Laura Walters stated they are always looking for volunteers to help with water quality monitoring, which is done at twelve sites from Memorial Day to Labor Day. They are also looking for more money with which to buy equipment. FOCL is using sonar equipment to help AEP survey aquatic vegetation. Sedimentation is the biggest issue, and FOCL is joining educational efforts with the Friends of Peak Creek and the New River Conservancy. FOCL has spear-headed planting native vegetation in the lake, including 5,000 water willow and 780 water celery plants. So far, $35,000 has been spent and $66,000 worth of in-kind provided for vegetation. $10,000 in Mossback artificial habitat structures, 520 tons of concrete, and used Christmas trees have also been added to the lake for fish habitat. To a question about hydrilla, Laura responded that it is under control but has not been eradicated and will come back. FOCL has also started an Angler Committee to provide an opportunity for anglers to have input. To the misperception that FOCL makes all the rules at Claytor Lake, it was emphasized that FOCL must consult with and get permission from AEP, the County and numerous state and federal agencies for activities at the lake.
Clean Up: Dave Dobyns reported they now have a four-man crew after starting with six. The equipment was worked on over the winter. Shortly after a debris survey in April that showed a very clean lake, heavy rains brought tremendous amounts of debris into the lake. Equipment breakdown, and the need for another push boat and barge have also hindered clean up. Collected to date have been 148.75 roll-off loads of woody debris, 22 tires, 160 bags of trash, two 55-gal barrels and one floating dock. Discussion was held about addressing property owners’ requests for clean up. A legal way of charging for service, given FOCL’s nonprofit status, was suggested. Also suggested were yard signs that financial supporters of FOCL could display.
Drawdown: Laura Bullard announced that a five foot drawdown has been approved for Nov 11-19, 2017. Since there is no guarantee there will continue to be five foot drawdowns, she encouraged everyone to make use of it and to report use on response cards that will be mailed out. She also emphasized the importance of mussel salvage, and asked attendees to gently toss stranded mussels into deeper water, and to report salvage numbers on the card as well. A mussel salvage volunteer event is being planned for Nov 11, and she asked for volunteers. AEP will be sending information about drawdown to property owners in Sept. Permits will be required for new shoreline projects.
Wrap-up and SMP: Cheri Strenz discussed AEP’s five year review of the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) that FOCL Board members participated in. Some of FOCL’s requested changes were incorporated in the updated SMP, though there continue to be issues FOCL would like to work on. The updated SMP is on FOCL’s website, along with FOCL’s and the County’s comments about the plan. Pulaski County has a Parks and Rec Survey they would like citizens to complete; it can be found on FOCL’s Facebook page. Cheri repeated that FOCL doesn’t do anything without consultation and permission from numerous other organizations and agencies, and its activities are intended for the betterment of the lake for everyone.
Meeting was adjourned.
No Public Meeting for the month of May
Present: Cheri Strenz, Bill Cunningham, Jeff Caldwell, David Peake, Steve Rapp, Joe Guthrie, Mike McLeod, Melissa Swanson, Doug Swanson, Lisa Hammock, Dean Jackson, Jackson Beamer, Laura Walters, Laura Bullard, Jeff Arnold, Dave Dobyns, Dave Stevenson, Michael Valach, Steve Beckett, Cecil Doyle
Minutes of the March 8, 2018 public meeting were approved as written.
President Cheri Strenz: Directors up for re-election at FOCL’s Annual Meeting this year are: Laura Bullard, Chris Meade, Dave Stevenson, Laura Walters and Cecil Doyle. The Nominating Committee consists of Dave Dobyns, Dean Jackson and Jackson Beamer. Kids’ Fish Day is May 12 and 2 people are needed in addition to Cheri to be there from 9 til 12 noon. 8th Grade Kid Safety Day is May 25 from 9:30 to 2; Steve Rapp and Michael Valach offered to help. Veterans’ Fish Day is June 3; another pontoon boat is needed in addition to Cheri’s to take out family members; FOCL has also committed to doing desserts. FOCL’s next meeting will be June 14 at the Izaac Walton League; we will be rolling bags for All Lake Clean Up Day. Renew the New, a regional clean up event, is Aug 25; Cheri would like to have more participation on the lake. Cheri is not sure if there will be a fishing tournament this fall.
Organizational Development: Laura Bullard announced that FOCL’s All Lake Clean Up Day is scheduled for June 30. Orange trash bags can be picked up at Conrads and Rock House Marina. Dumpsters will be at DeHaven and CLSP on June 30, and 2 teams of FOCL monitors will be needed for each of those locations. Orange bags of lake trash can also be left with household trash; FOCL would like to be informed of the number of those bags. FOCL’s Annual Meeting will be Thursday July 12 at 6:00 at Claytor Lake State Park’s Shelter #5; free entry into the Park will be requested for attendees. Currently no August meeting is planned unless needed.
Clean Up Report: Dave stated that repairs to the excavator barge are almost finished. The rebuilt transmission is now in the push boat thanks to Steve Rapp. They hope to start clean up next week. They will first take care of some trees on docks and a tree blocking the channel in Peak Creek, then check the DeHaven launch ramp and go above the bridge. The debris survey with AEP will be Wed, April 18.
Environmental Resources: Laura Walters reported that this year’s habitat money will go toward Mossback structures. Americares kids will be here in August and will put them together and place them in the lake at DGIF’s direction; they’ll also help plant water willow. Water celery is slowly growing at VT and will be planted in the lake in June. Interns FOCL was hoping to have have found other internships.
Donation Committee: Jeff Caldwell shared for Darryl Sarver that donations are not going well this year compared to last year. See Executive Director’s Report for further discussion.
Events Committee: Cheri discussed planning for Spring Splash. Jarod Hines of Entrusted Auctions is working with FOCL again on the event. We have plenty of live auction items, but more silent auction items are needed. Sponsorships are also needed since only $7500 has been pledged so far. Help will be needed for setting up on Sunday the 6th. . Pat Moss will be at the event with another painting.
Executive Director Report: Donations are so drastically off this year that Jeff Caldwell is concerned that something is off between FOCL and its communication with lake stakeholders. Jeff recently sent out a survey to stakeholders asking if FOCL is valuable to the lake community and if FOCL’s value is reflected by their donations. He received 412 responses to the survey. Many said FOCL is very to extremely valuable, and their donations reflect FOCL’s value. 8% of homeowners donate. Clean up is the most important to most people. Discussion brought up the following reasons/solutions to low donation levels: Perhaps federal income tax changes and County real estate tax increases are putting people off of donating. Clean up is done for everyone whether they donate or not. Personal conversations with neighbors are important, including calling and thanking donors. More use of local news media should be made. Expand donation requests beyond lake property owners to include lake recreators who don’t own property here. Have yard signs for donors; and signs to publicize cleanup activities.
Other Business: According to Joe Guthrie, the County is considering buying a new rescue boat for emergency services on the river and the lake. The current boat needs to be replaced and could be surplused to FOCL if a new boat is purchased. The County is open to partners (for instance, AEP or DGIF) who would assist in purchasing the new boat.
The meeting was adjourned.
Present: Cheri Strenz, Bill Cunningham, Jeff Caldwell, Laura Walters, Laura Bullard, John Johnson, Jeff Arnold, Dave Dobyns, Steve Rapp, Darryl Sarver, Jackson Beamer, Dean Jackson, Mike McLeod, Michael Valach, Joe Guthrie, Lisa Hammock, Margaret Brewster, Ed Brewster, LeighAnn Brewster, Todd Brewster, Dave Scarrette, Richard Heldreth, William Paine, Teresa Phillips, Mike Barbour, David Hill, Hugh & Karen Miller, Jackie & Rick Groesbeck, George & Donna Siler, Trent & Maetta Crewe, Bernard LaFleur, Josh & Jen Carroll
Minutes for the February 8, 2018 public meeting were approved with the correction to the Clean Up Report that repairs to the excavator barge, rather than to the excavator itself, will start after construction of the new rolloff barge is completed.
President Cheri Strenz reminded the gathering that Spring Splash is May 6 at Nesselrod on the New.
Organizational Development: Laura Bullard had no report but stated the Committee would be scheduling a meeting soon.
Clean Up Report: Dave Dobyns reported that progress on the construction of a new rolloff barge is coming along well, the transmission for the push boat is still being worked on, and materials to repair the excavator barge have been ordered. They are hoping to start clean up by mid April.
Environmental Resources: Laura Walters shared that interns at VT are growing water celery to be planted in the lake this year. Although there won’t be as much water celery to plant this year as last year, the hope is to have more next spring. A member of VT’s fishing team has requested to be an intern with aquatic vegetation this summer; he could also help with water quality monitoring. DGIF supports the idea. The cost would be $4-5,000. AEP is willing to pay at least one-half. Motion was made and approved for FOCL to provide up to $2,500 toward the internship.
Donation Committee: Darryl Sarver announced that FOCL is way behind 2016 and 2017 donations to date; there were only 4 donations last month compared to 64 in Feb of 2017. Reasons were discussed including the fact that the Lake is clean of debris. Darryl encouraged everyone to solicit donations.
Events Committee: Laura Walters reminded Board members that we are way behind in sponsorships and auction items for Spring Splash, which is FOCL’s only annual fund raiser. Board members have been asked to each get three sponsorships and four auction items. Laura will be contacting Board members with their assignments. Laura Walters or Laura Bullard should be emailed the details of sponsorships and auction items that have been solicited. Mark Gordon will be catering the event.
Executive Director Report: Jeff Caldwell is working on FOCL’s new website and will have it up shortly. AEP has updated their Claytorhydro.com website. Laura Walters requested that it include management plans.
Proposed RV Park in Dublin Hollow: Public attendance at the meeting was greater than usual, presumably because of the recent Special Use Permit application received by the County for a Blue Sky Lane RV Resort in Dublin Hollow. Cheri Strenz invited comments from the group. Several people spoke. A summary of their concerns was subsequently included in a letter sent by FOCL to the County regarding concerns about the proposed RV campground. (attendee comments, and body of FOCL letter attached)
The regular meeting was adjourned. The Board went into closed session. Following discussion of the RV park proposal the session was adjourned.
Comments on proposed RV campground in Dublin Hollow, as close to verbatim as possible, were as follows:
Brewster family: The neighborhood is upset; it is a safety matter because of the roads and too many boats already in cove; boat waves already rock their dock. The roads are the major issue: hard to get in, dangerous; economically flawed because they won’t get repeat business because the roads are so bad for RV’s; cyclists use the roads also and adding RV’s would be very dangerous–someone will get killed; suggested trying to drive RV down the road. Questioned if someone has talked to DGIF and Laura Walters responded they will not comment unless it is next to a DGIF boat ramp. VDOT road study was brought up and Laura Bullard stated a study was done in 2013 about roads following proposal to put boat launch at AEP picnic grounds; roads were determined not suitable for boat trailer traffic. David Hill – lives directly across from proposed area; his dock is 90 feet from site; Pulaski County staff report that this would be compatible with the neighborhood is incorrect; there are only individual homes in the neighborhood and RV park would not be in keeping; safety from State Park Rd to Claytor Dam will be a challenge; meeting large trucks on Hazel Hollow is dangerous; VDOT was asked to paint white lines on edges but they won’t do that if road is only 16’ wide, has to be 20’; proposed site described as scrub pine but 50-60’ pines are not scrub; run-off that will occur w/residual gas and oil is just ridiculous; level of noise w/families on 150 RV pads will mean 800-1,000 people; viewshed will be completely destroyed; there is no landscaping in plan; trees replaced will be small; wildlife habitat will be destroyed; they’ve seen hawks, deer, turkey; eagles; it will not have the look we want at Claytor Lake; economic development – it will cost Pul Co. to deal with the problems; he is completely opposed. Joe Guthrie explained process of rezoning for Special Use Permit (SUP): 4 requirements, 1 being no adverse effect for current landowners from enjoying their property; Mr. Wilson has been working with landowner to make sure he is in compliance with zoning; 1st step is Mr. Wilson make recommendation to the Planning Commission (PC) for their 3/13/18 meeting; public can comment; PC weighs what they hear and make a decision; decision has not been made yet. To question about rezoning rather than SUP: rezoning not needed because RV park is allowed in agricultural under SUP. Board of Supervisors (BOS) meet 3/26/18; SUP is scheduled to be on agenda but agenda might change; part of BOS meeting is public hearing so comments can be made up to 3 min for individual/5min for group; most convenient for BOS if someone speak 5 min. for group & recognize others by show of hands; BOS decision has not been made; if BOS approves doesn’t necessarily mean they would start immediately; there are permitting requirements, perhaps other issues to be dealt with. Can’t say if VDOT would comment at BOS meeting; but VDOT will comment at PC per Mr. Wilson’s report. When asked what AEP has to say about SUP, Lisa Hammock responded for AEP that they don’t have anything to do with property above 1850; below 1850 it must meet Shoreline Management Plan and they can’t put in boat ramp; or beach; the shoreline there has several classifications including low density commercial; AEP won’t consider dock or number of slips until it is determined if it will be built; number of slips depends on total length of shoreline (approx. 1400). William Paine – lives at mouth of Dublin Hollow; Dublin Hollow will change if project goes through; already “hairy”; adding more boats will not help paddleboarders, kayakers, skiiers, etc; it will not be to anyone’s advantage in the cove; at the end of cove are bald eagles and other wildlife; question: is FOCL involved in environmental study? Sewage, gasoline spilled will be detriment to the environment; Cheri Strenz responded FOCL doesn’t do environmental studies (done by DEQ, DGIF, AEP) but does test water quality and can make comments but can’t take a stand. William Paine – if they can’t have a boat launch they will have to take boats to and from other launch sites doubling the amount of traffic; to his question whether they would ever be allowed to have a boat launch, Lisa Hammock with AEP said no, they would never change to allow boat launch. Joe Guthrie – BOS can receive email comments about SUP; if to be on 3/26 meeting agenda, they should receive comments by 3/22; they will also get a summary of the comments to the PC. William Paine offered that he has petition against RV proposal if anyone wanted to sign it, also that his wife has put up a Facebook page “Say No to RV Park”; he encouraged people to attend meetings and speak up. Bernard LaFleur, President of Claytor Lake State Park Ambassadors, this will have an impact on the Park’s RV campground; it will take away business; the Park’s RV campground is well managed with security, etc.; in this proposal there is mention of security; also with so much impervious surface planned there is no storm water management plan included; or conflagration plan in case of fire, which is more likely and dangerous because of high pressure tanks, fuels, highly volatile insulation in RV’s; it is highly hazardous. Teresa Phillips agrees and also opposes proposal; they have land beside the site and have been working for 10 years to build their dream home; they have just gotten their well & septic approved but are concerned about how wells for RV park will affect other’s wells; also what about the trash, noise, traffic on road and on the cove. David Hill suggested $5 million bond to replace or take care of damage to community around it, such as if they destroy aquifer, to be recommended to PC & BOS. Mike Barbour stated they must submit certified site plan and all permits; developer must post bond that work will be done in accordance with all permits and plans; Gress SUP for RV Resort application is very superficial; estimates it would cost $3 mil to develop site plus cost of numerous amenities; some amenities will not be approved by AEP yet they were submitted in the application to County; the quality of the project raises a lot of questions and doesn’t even mention other impacts; Mr. Wilson cited impacts in his report but didn’t say what they would be; this is an unusually hurried project; raises questions about it. Rick Groesbeck – they have a 27’ motorhome that the tow a car behind; they drove the route in a car and said they wouldn’t want to drive it with their motorhome; no shoulder; people speed on it. Mike Barbour – they get calls 3-4 times a year from man who leases their land at Ingles Ferry that RV’s have come down Wilderness to Ingles Ferry and can’t turn around; they have to let them through the gate to turn around in the field; they have lived there 35 years & drive Wilderness Rd daily and haven’t seen accidents because the drivers are locals who know the road– where curves, school buses; close mail boxes; hidden driveways are; first timers in over-sized vehicles are a harrowing thought. Dave Scarrette – there is one way in and out; what to do when an RV blocks the road?; William Paine, question to Joe Guthrie: will environmental studies, etc. be needed?; per Joe they are not required for SUP; Joe explained the purpose of the SUP is to determine if the application is in line with County’s current Comp Plan and zoning. Bob Strenz – usually a site plan requires permits & studies; David Hill question – who determines whether/how much bond would be required?; Bernard LeFleur- can SUP be revoked? Joe Guthrie: No, more likely might be violation of SUP with penalties for non compliance; Teresa Phillips pointed out damage would have already occurred to others, to which Joe agreed. Mike Barbour – has developer reached out to anyone in community? David Hill – he told a neighbor that he was building a home for himself, and he has not responded to a letter David sent to him. Trent Crewe mayor of Wytheville in process of finalizing dream home at mouth of Dublin Hollow and hoping to be in by June, complimented comraderie and opportunity for discussion; he is an attorney and by state law there have to be public hearings for the initial PC and BOS meetings, but public hearing not required after that; it is a Special Use Permit because current zoning does not usually allow it; the application is not an impressive submission; it provides for oversized pads and full water & sewer hookups at each pad but doesn’t say where water or sewer are coming from or going; the proposal glosses over details; safety – can’t get emergency vehicles in if RV is in the way ; incredible amount of impervious surfaces; addition of pet waste go into the lake; add to boats to Dublin Hollow that is already congested; it is said to be compatible w/Covey’s Campground which is already non-conforming use, so wanting to add another non-conforming use doesn’t make sense; Covey’s isn’t a good comparison with larger area; road right of way is 20’ which isn’t sufficient; if SUP is denied, they can keep coming back; there are lots of stipulations that BOS can put on it; he feels FOCL can take a position for reasons brought up here; a bond is only for performance of what they said they’d do, not for protection against damage to others. Cheri Strenz – FOCL has preliminarily developed comments that FOCL needs to discuss in closed session. Steve Rapp pointed out that people are passionate about this issue and showed up at the meeting; he asked that they use this same passion and donate to FOCL and help with other issues at the lake.
Body of FOCL letter to County’s Planning Commission:
Dear Mr. Wilson,
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed Special Use Permit (SUP) for a Blue Sky Lane RV Resort by Jeff Harman, through SAADCO Land Holdings, LLC. The Friends of Claytor Lake (FOCL) does not often comment on issues surrounding land development on Claytor Lake, unless there are significant concerns that could have a negative impact on the Lake.
Background: The Friends of Claytor Lake has been very active on Claytor Lake since 1992. FOCL began as a volunteer, citizen action group in response to a specific flooding event, and the declining water quality of Claytor Lake. FOCL is “dedicated to conserving and protecting the quality and sustainability and tranquility of the environment of Claytor Lake for all.” Among FOCL’s ongoing efforts for 26 years have been Lake Clean Up, Water Quality Monitoring, and Boater Safety Education.
Twenty-one Lake stakeholders (exclusive of FOCL Board members) attended FOCL’s regular monthly meeting March 8 to express their concerns about the SUP to the FOCL Board. They were concerned about:
danger to cyclists and other motorists of adding large numbers of RV’s to roads that are narrow and winding without shoulders, and that are the only access for emergency services to the area;
a greater chance of fire at the site due to high pressure tanks, fuel, and chemicals, and the proximity of RV’s to each other;
increased boat traffic in an already crowded boating area resulting in a greater risk for accidents;
incompatibility of the proposed project with the existing neighborhood of single family homes, and the negative impact to the enjoyment of their property;
the unfair comparison to Covey’s Campground that was grandfathered in before zoning and whose camp sites are not visible from the lake or adjacent roads;
destruction of vegetation, viewshed and wildlife habitat;
potential for run-off, including of chemicals, due to cutting vegetation and creating large areas of impervious surfaces;
uncertainly about sewage management and how providing water for the resort would impact neighboring water supplies; and
noise and trash.
FOCL has three major points of concern about the SAADCO Land Holdings, LLC proposal:
1) BOATER SAFETY-100-150 proposed RV sites, with Lake access, could have a negative impact on a boating area of the Lake already documented by AEP as being one of the busiest. According to the proposal, most of the camping sites would be utilized on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday … times that are the busiest in this relatively small and popular area of Claytor Lake. To have a large number of additional boats, potentially operated by one-time visitors to the lake, attempting to navigate in a narrow, crowded cove could easily result in boating accidents.
2) WATER QUALITY-For 26 years FOCL has worked hard to clean up, educate, and change our “best management practices” to improve the water quality of one of Pulaski County’s major scenic recreational resources. FOCL has several concerns that this RV campground proposal could negatively impact the water quality of Dublin Hollow, and Claytor Lake:
*According to the SUP application, the majority of the acreage will be cleared of vegetation. By paving the necessary roads, pads, and hardscape amenities for 100-150 large RV’s, there will be less permeable surface available. This creates the potential for more run-off, which could contain contaminants (fuel, oil, sewage, etc). The terrain dictates that this run-off would end up in the Lake, degrading the water quality.
*The septic system for 100-150 RV’s so close to the Lake is a big concern. It is unclear how this aspect of the proposed business is going to be managed. One mishap (with any management option) could be a dangerous situation for all in Dublin Hollow and for the water quality of the Lake in general.
*According to an AEP Erosion Study, shoreline erosion around the Lake, including in Dublin Hollow, is primarily due to boat waves. Erosion deposits sedimentation into the Lake, degrading water quality and aquatic habitat, damaging adjacent properties, and creating low water boating hazards. Increasing the number of boats in Dublin Hollow would increase erosion and its negative impacts for Dublin Hollow and the Lake.
3) DESTRUCTION OF SCENIC VALUE AND WILDLIFE HABITAT- Claytor Lake is well known and enjoyed for its natural scenic beauty. The proposed site, currently covered with brush and trees that provide habitat for many types of wildlife, contributes to the natural scenery in Dublin Hollow. VT’s Claytor Lake Scenic Study conducted for AEP in 2009 rated the site as moderately high for scenic quality. The Study’s guidelines for development discuss the importance of protecting the Lake’s scenic value for the public and the property values of all property owners, “since their property values are partly dependent on the unique natural scenery of the lake . . . .” The SUP plan shows much of the vegetation on the site being cut to accommodate RV pads, roads and amenities. This could result in the destruction of wildlife habitat and the natural viewscape of the site, which could in turn diminish the viewshed and property values in Dublin Hollow.
Thank you for considering the Friends of Claytor Lake’s comments on this proposal.
Cheri Strenz, President
The Friends of Claytor Lake
Present: Jeff Caldwell, Jackson Beamer, Dave Stevenson, John Johnson, Darryl Sarver, Steve Rapp, Laura Bullard, Bill Cunningham, Dave Dobyns, Mike McLeod, Caroline Gaskins, David Peake, Lynn Martin
Minutes of the January 13, 2018 Board Winter Retreat meeting were approved as written.
Vice President Jackson Beamer presided.
Organizational Development: Laura Bullard provided a recap of the Board’s Winter Retreat. Solutions were developed for increasing FOCL membership, participation, donations and fundraising. Positive comments were made about the retreat.
Clean Up Report: Dave Dobyns reported that clean up is on hold during the winter; equip has been winterized or is being repaired. Repairs to excavator will start after construction of the barge is finished. Clean up will start around 1st of April if everything on schedule. Priority will be given to launch ramps, especially the DGIF ramp at Hidden Valley and DeHaven. If there are no problems down lake, they will go above the bridge to catch debris before it comes down. The monthly debris survey with AEP will start end of April.
Environmental Resources: Jeff Caldwell shared for Laura Walters that the Committee met recently for a presentation on the 2017 Water Quality Report; report results will be made available soon.
Donation Committee: Darryl Sarver reported that donations are ahead of last year to date by 34%.
Events Committee: Jeff Caldwell said we’re behind the eight ball and everyone needs to start getting sponsors and auction items for Spring Splash May 6. The spreadsheet with 2016 auction items was passed around. Laura Bullard also encouraged everyone to use the information (letter, flier, etc.) Jeff provided at the meeting and via email to solicit sponsorships and items, and to submit auction item collection forms to her; sponsorship information goes to Laura W.
Executive Director Report: Jeff Caldwell is working on a new website which will be launched next week; it will be more interactive and easier and more attractive than the previous website. He is open to suggestions for the new website. He is also working on a live question/answer podcast about lake topics that will go on all social media platforms; he asked for suggested topics. During discussion, suggestions included clean up, boater safety, dredging, history of Claytor Lake, interviews, and freshwater sponges.
Other Business: 2018 FOCL calendars were not done because of the lack of interest in 2017 calendars. Consideration is being given to certain donor levels receiving FOCL t-shirts and flags.
The meeting was adjourned.
January Winter Retreat
Present: Cheri Strenz, Jeff Caldwell, Jackson Beamer, Bill Cunningham, Dave Stevenson, Dave Dobyns, Steve Rapp, Mike McLeod, John Johnson, Laura Bullard, Laura Walters, Jeff Arnold, Chris Meade, Cecil Doyle, Debbie Lineweaver
President Cheri Strenz discussed the letter for Board members to use to solicit sponsorships and auction items for Spring Splash. Corrections will be made to the letter.
Organizational Development: Laura Bullard gave summary information about the 2017 drawdown. Seventy-five landowners responded to drawdown use and mussel salvage. Several expressed thanks for the five foot drawdown. One hundred and eight people participated in the volunteer mussel salvage event; 6,204 mussels were salvaged. Similar numbers were salvaged during 2017’s five foot drawdown and 2012’s three foot drawdown. Twenty-five Pistolgrip mussels were found during the 2017 event, and a landowner reported finding another 15. The next drawdown is scheduled for November 2019.
Clean-Up: Dave Dobyns had no report.
Environmental Resources: Laura Walters shared that the water quality of the lake is good according to the 2017 Water Quality Report. Water celery is being grown at VT for planting at Claytor Lake. Over 400 Christmas trees were sunk in the lake for fish habitat on January 10 at various sites off the State Park, DeHaven and the rock piles at Peak Creek; their GPS coordinates are available on FOCL’s website. AEP will hold a meeting next week about habitat. A new used pushboat has been acquired for clean-up, and AEP has given FOCL a second conveyor.
Events: Cheri issued a challenge to Board members to each get three sponsors and four auction items for Spring Splash, and encouraged everyone to start soliciting now. A spreadsheet of proposed donors and sponsors will be sent out. Spring Splash will be held May 6 at Nesselrod and much help will be needed the day before and the day of the event.
Executive Director: No report.
The Board meeting was adjourned.